
春季學期將於 2019 年 1 月 30 日(星期三)開始,穿梭巴士服務亦會於當天恢復,有關詳情請此處,並請參考下列建議以減輕擠擁情況和避免長時間候車:

  • 提早上班/學;
  • 選擇乘搭公共巴士,因為綠色專線小巴的載客量少,輪候時間會較長。 運輸署已在繁忙時間增加公共巴士班次;
  • 乘搭大學提供的穿梭巴士;
  • 大學教職員可選擇乘搭教職員巴士;
  • 除原有穿梭巴士路線外,同學也可選乘專為學生新增設的路線,當中包括九龍塘、旺角及坑口線,詳情請按此處

The Spring Term will commence on 30 January 2019 (Wednesday), and the shuttle bus service will also resume on that day. Please click here for details and refer to the following suggestions to help ease the congestion and avoid long waiting time:

  • Leave home earlier for work/classes;
  • Take public buses as the waiting time for Green Mini Buses is longer because of its small seating capacity. Transport Department has also scheduled extra buses during the peak hours;
  • Take University shuttle buses;

  • Staff members may take staff buses;

  • Apart from original shuttle bus routes, students may also choose newly enhanced service which includes Kowloon Tong, Mongkok and Hang Hau routes. Please click here for details;

  • Join "Ride Share Groups" initiated by HSEO.