Lo Ka Chung University Center


Lo Ka Chung University Center is for the enjoyment of members of the University community including University staff, their family members and students.  Users may be required to show their user identity cards on request.  For information about venues and booking arrangements, please call 2358 8072.


Opening Hours

Management Office: Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:30
Bookable Venues: Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 21:00
Non-bookable Venues: Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:30

All venues are closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday



Areas in the Lo Ka Chung University Center are named appropriately to reflect their intended purposes and usage. A brief description of the areas/facilities is given below. In the interests of tidiness and cleanliness, users are asked to confine the consumption of food and drink to those rooms where it is explicitly referred to in the text.

Bookable Venues (first-come-first-served)

  • Activities Room 1 and 2
    The rooms are decorated with full-height mirror panelling wall; the best choice for aerobic, dance and kung fu classes, as well as seminars, workshops and tutorials.
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  • Tin Ka Ping Hall and Quiet Lounge
    They are for the activities that accord with the cultural and reflective atmosphere of the Lo Ka Chung University Center. The TKP Hall should serve to accent an event and not to replace existing facilities already available at other parts of the campus.
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Please click here for the booking guidelines.



Non-bookable Venues

  • Exercise Room
    Fitness equipment for workout. Children under 12 are not allowed, because of the risk of injury.
  • Staff Lounge
    A leisure environment with beautiful seaview for staff members to have causal chat or inspirational reading. Magazines and newspapers are provided.
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  • Emeritus Professors' Lounge
    This room is for emeritus professors only that provide a relaxed and comfortable meeting point to our retired faculty members when they visit the campus. For guidelines on use of the Lounge, please click here.
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